Essence & TEam

Mr. Vishal Katariya

Mr. Vishal Katariya, LLB, LL.M (UK), LL.M (US), established this law firm with a vision of providing an international standard of legal service in Pune. He is the Chair Professor for Intellectual Property Rights at the prestigious University of Pune. He is the first appointee to the IPR-Chair and one of the youngest for any chair in this country.

Vishal received his law degree at ILS Law College, Pune. He stood 2nd in the merit ranking in University of Pune and was awarded the coveted DFID scholarship by the British Government, in recognition for his outstanding academic achievements and to study law in the University of Bristol, England. The University of Bristol is one of the most reputed universities of England with excellence to match the fame of Oxford and Cambridge. His master’s course in law enabled him to deepen his knowledge in company law and intellectual property law along with international contracts and European law.

He returned to India to work with a corporate law firm for almost a year only to return to the United States. Mr. Katariya was awarded another scholarship to study masters of law. His focus of study was on Intellectual property (IP). He studied at Franklin Pierce to sharpen his Intellectual Property skills and study finer details of patent, trademark and copyright law. Franklin Pierce law school is one of the premier institutes in the US which imparts Intellectual Property education. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) officials and nominees from various countries study IP law at this premier institute.

Schedule a consultation

Katariya & Associates is a boutique intellectual property law firm offering legal services with an emphasis on the origination, protection, and commercialization of intellectual property.

This young yet dynamic law firm has provided legal service to some of the biggest names in the Indian industry and also to emerging startups. 


2, Sharada Apartments, Opp. Gate No. 5 of Abhimanshree society, S. No. 108/1A/2 Aundh, Pune 411 007. Maharashtra, India


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